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Project Theremin

Project Theremin is a large project encompassing several goals and smaller projects. I plan to build my "Theremin" model rockets under this project and eventually use dual-deployment, thrust vectoring control and powered helicopter recovery on them. I intend to keep these rockets active as my "workhorse" fleet to perform smaller missions as well as continually improve the design, and maybe even add more features and new versions.

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Project Namesake

Project Theremin is named after the musical instrument of the same name. It makes an erie, electronic, alien sound that is a staple of classic science fiction music. However, I was especially inspired a certain playing of "Over the Rainbow" played on a theremin, found here. It wasn't so much that precise song, but the fact that it is used as an actual instrument instead of just a sound effect.

Project Timeline

The Theremin project is organized into stages, or "phases". Each phase is a different stage in the project or a different version of the vehicle. The first stage is prototypes, and the second stage is the first true flight vehicles, etc. Here is a list of the phases, you can use the above quick-nav menu to go to the part of the page that discusses each stage in full detail.

Phase Zero

Phase One

Phase Two

Phase Three

Project Repurposement

Project Theremin was originally simply my plan to design my own rockets and build them from basic parts, not kits. These rockets would become my 'workhorse' base-model for any smaller projects I have, like testing a new altimeter, etc. I was waiting to learn the skills needed by making model rocket kits under Project Newcomer, Project Skyshot and even skills in Project Ozymandias. Theremin was esentially going to be a scratch-built version of the Estes Cherokee-E.

Theese are the official goals I had set for the Theremin project:

All other goals besides these would happen under other projects.

However, in May 2022, I have become more interested in Thrust Vectoring Control, or TVC. I watched some videos and discovered that I think it might actually not be to hard for me to do. has already done it, as so have many others. I don't intend to try to land my rockerts vertically like, but I do want to try and launch rockets that have actual guidance and not just fins. This is also a way to learn electronics, which can be used for dual deployment. I can even apply this to Project Ozymandias.

This is why in early May 2022 I have decided to make Theremin my first electronic rocket. I have started talking (by that I mean texting) with my new roommate for college this August and he has been into engineering longer than I am (he has been building a fusion reactor for 7 years) and he has oinspired me to pick up the pace of my rockets. I think I am familiar enough with the hobby that I don't need to simply build a rocket from scratch as a proof of concept after having built about 10 rockets from kits. Therefore, I have decided to make Theremin have much higher goals.

This is why Project Theremin is officially becoming my primary concern, or flagship project. I will still work on Ozymandias vehicles in preparation for the final helicopter Theremin design, however Ozymandias will simply be more of a test platform and will not actually perform all of the goals originally envisioned (RTLS, mid-air ignition) and instead Theremin will pursue these in later stages. I think that despite putting helicopter recovery on hold for awhile, this is the best way to progress my engineering and rocketry skills and to evetually achieve a successful and proper helicopter recovery of a moidel rocket.

Theremin I (THM001) Engineering Test Module (ETM)

Phase Zero

Engineering Test Module

Project Theremin officially started on April 26th, 2022 when I started work on the Engineering Test Module (ETM), the first rocket built under project Theremin, although it does not resemble the final design. In fact, I am literally building it out of spare parts. teh body tube is very thick and heavy that I got from my brother Adam, who was going to make a booster stage for his rocket Miracle with it. I told him it was too heavy and not to do it, so he let me have it. Now I ended up making it into a separate rocket made out of other "random" parts, such as the nose-cone being the top of a plastic toy lightsaber and the engine retainer being the top and cap of a 2-liter soda bottle. The fins are made from the scrap of my other kit rocket's fins, and the launch lug is a glowstick braclet adapter.

Me and Adam are working together on this rocket, since I feel kind of bad for disuading him from his own project using it. I sanded the fins and glued them on during nights we watched Stargate SG-1 episodes as a family, as I have done with many rockets. On the morning of May 17th I hung it in a tree using my special hanging mechanism and put a coat of primer on it, only to realize that I had forgot to attach the launch lug. I will have to attach it before I put another coat of primer on.

This is about the time I repurposed Project Theremin to it's new goals and implemented the "Phases" system.

As of May 2022, I have bought a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller that I will be tinkering with to learn how to use it to control devices. I am also currently constructing SKY-2 Betelgeuse, an Estes Cherokee-E similar to it's predessesor, as a part of Project Skyshot. This rocket will be my first attempt at higher altitude electronics. I will modify it to use the electronic circuit board and microcontroller to release the parachute at a certain altitude. Then I will copy the electronics on a Theremin rocket for Phase One.

Phase One

Phase One will be a scratch-built rocket with a homemade chute release microcontroler system.

Phase Two

Phase Two will see the Phase One rocket modifyed with Thrust Vectoring Control (TVC).

Phase Three

Phase Three will add reaction wheel controls, a gyroscope for sensing orientation and a powered helicopter recovery. (Possibly some auto-rotative tests done in Phase Two or in Project Ozymandias.

Rocket List

Name Designation Model Notes Status
Theremin I THM001 Theremin P0 The 'Engineering Test Module' is made of random parts found lying around, and doesn't resemble the final theremin design. In Construction
TBA THM101 Theremin P1.1 The first attempt at a successful custom rocket. Will most likly be a very low-power, low altitude down-scaled version. Planned
TBA THM102 Theremin P1.? Most likly improvement on Theremin 1, depending on outcome. Planned

More Theremin rockets will be built as they are determined they are nessasary.

Updated 4/29/2022 by William Boersma